A culmination of a year's work with pastels, line, contour, charcoal, collage, watercolors and sketching countless still life's ended with a mixed media, portrait project that is out of this world! I had an opportunity to work with some really terrific students who developed their skills all year long to produce a portrait of their own interpretation. I have never felt more excited by the use of color than I have with this project. The revelation of watching each art piece form as each student reached within themselves to discover their own style that is expressive was like walking into the room at the Uffizi Museum in Florence, Italy and seeing the "La nascita di Venere" by Boticelli for the first time. I was enamored with the detailed softness of Venus, she was so lovely and breathtaking, I couldn't stop looking. I absolutely love their portrait pieces and I know you will too!
these are fantastic!